Ministry Groups

Men's Ministry

The men meet for prayer and excellent coffee in the sanctuary on Fridays  at 6:30am as they study a book or engage in timely discussions.

Women's Ministries

WEEKLY STUDY & PRAYER - The women meet every Wednesday at 9:30am in the fall and winter for fellowship, a bible study and powerful prayer.  Bring your Bible!  Call Susan for more information at 970-481-2065

Women's Saturday Ministry Event - Save the Dates for 2025
Winter Meeting - January 18, 2025
Spring Meeting - March 22, 2025
Summer Meeting - June 21, 2025
Fall Meeting - September 27, 2025
Additional Activities  - Game Night, Movie Night, Crafts, Holiday Events and Summer Activities will be announced as they come up.

Youth Ministry

Contact pastor Cameo for information regarding meeting times and bible studies. 

PFC 2nd Chances Closet Has Joined up with EVICS Family Resource Center  for Children's Clothing. 

Our 2nd Chances Closet is open  "for those who want another option for their babies' and children's clothing needs."  Please contact the church office or EVICS for more information on times available. The Closet is open to walk in's twice a month. 

Children's Ministry

During Sunday Services, we offer childcare for your young ones.  The first Sunday of each month, however, we have a Family Service with Communion in which we do not offer childcare.
"Little Lambs" Class ages 1 to 6 years old - "Essential" curriculum adjusted for appropriate ages.
Different learning styles re incorporated to present the gospel through relevant bible stories. An emphasis is placed on building Christam Character in a loving and safe environment. Our staff is approved and fingerprinted/background checked. Snack is provided. Let your teacher know of any allergies.

"Little Disciples" children's class ages 7-10 years old
This year, the children will be learning from the Great commission Publications, "Show Me Jesus". They will understand the importance of the bible, how God reveals Himself to us through the world and the Word. Also, how Jesus loved and used the Word.

On the 1st Sunday of the month the children will stay in service with their family. There are books and coloring opportunities provided in the side sanctuary hallway with changing table and restrooms available. 
 For more information, please contact Lorna Ferrante at 970-689-2601.

Youth Group 11- up  with Pastor Cameo Hockenberry. 

Home Groups

Twice a month we offer Home Groups.  One of the groups are currently going through Biblical Citizenship in Modern America. This includes lots of discussion. This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 6:30 pm.

The other Home Group is going through Bill Johnson's book, Hosting the Presence. They meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7:00 pm.   

If you are interested in attending a Home Group, please contact the church office.

Prayer Opportunities to be World Changers

Wednesdays11:30 am Women meet after study group to pray.

Sundays at 6PM we gather for 
worship and prayer.

Everyday - If you are in need of prayer, please call the office for a time for staff to meet with you or prayer over the phone, 970-586-4340.