WHY WE EXIST--We exist to worship Jesus as Lord of all and to reconcile the lost to Jesus Christ.
OUR PURPOSE--We feel there are three main purposes for being here: to be a place of healing of the body, soul and spirit; to be lights in a dark world; to usher in the dominion of Jesus Christ regionally and in the lives of individuals.
OUR WITNESS--We choose to demonstrate our love for Jesus by obeying His commands.
OUR TOP PRIORITIES--Our top five priorities are: Intercession; Outreach to the lost and broken; Making disciples; Strengthen believers in the first three priorities; Walk in love and unity so Jesus will be glorified as the Christ.
OUR TOP VALUES--The Word of God as Truth; The fullness, baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit of God, which is the power to witness; We value the lost as Jesus did; We desire God's presence, which brings liberty; We love each other as the family of God.